元明超市是大多伦多地区、密西沙迦市一流的大型超级市场;元明超市占地5万5千平方尺,货品1万余种, 环境整洁宽敞干净,集齐世界各地优质食品和杂货,蔬果鱼肉新鲜,备有大型海鲜特区供应游水海鲜,并设 有明炉烧腊、快餐熟食、出炉面包、家居用品一应俱全,且货靓价平,超值抵买。 元明超市自开业以来,一直以热诚待客和价廉物美为宗旨,超市上架货品均经过严格把关,确保货品质量过 关、价格合理。 元明超级市场地点适中, 有大量免费车位方便顾客购物。每日都有大量精选特价货品源源送上。该超市一 星期七天营业,营业时间每天早上8时30分至晚上9时。 总店地址:1000 Burnhamthorpe Road West(Mavis夹Burnhamthorpe) 电话:905-949-1921 Located in Mississauga, Yuan Ming is one of the top supermarkets in the Greater Toronto Area. High-quality food and household products from all over world, including the freshest meats, vegetables and seafoods are housed in 55,000 squared feet of space. Yuan Ming supermarket also offer BBQ foods, ready-made meals and freshly baked goods. Since its establishment, Yuan Ming is dedicated to providing customer satisfaction and low prices. Both Yuan Ming locations in Mississauga offer ample parking spaces and are open 7 days a weeks, from 8:30am to 9pm daily.